Within series of articles devoted to STM32CubeMx we start discussing different USB modes. And today we'll realize USB Mass Storage Device class with SD-Card connected to the MCU. Thus, microcontroller STM32F10x acting as a card reader will be the result of this post 🙂
As I've mentioned at the beggining of the post, I'll use STM32F10x microcontroller. SD-card will be connected via SDIO interface. So, let's run STM32CubeMx and begin the configuring of MCU units! First of all, we should enable high-speed external oscillator, USB and SDIO units. Moreover, the proper USB mode should be selected. In this case it is Mass Storage Class mode:
Please note that when we enable any microcontroller unit, STM32CubeMx automatically marks all involved pins. In addition, I'll use PA10 as USB_DISCONNECT_PIN - it is responsible for software connection and disconnection of USB. So, I'll configure this GPIO as "GPIO_Output".
General configuration is quite clear, and now we proceed to the "Clock configuration" tab. All the frequencies can be set there. While working with USB, the most important point of clock configuration is 48 MHz at USB clock:
After that we can do some extra configuration. In order to do this let's open the "Configuration" tab and click on SDIO unit. As a result a new window will appear, where we would be able to set SDIO clock prescaler:
In principle, after that all units are configured properly, so we can start the project generation process!
When the generation is finished, the project is ready for programming the MCU, but we have to make some modifications in the source files. Firstly, I'll reset the output state of USB_DISCONNECT_PIN:
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_SDIO_SD_Init(); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_10, GPIO_PIN_RESET); MX_USB_DEVICE_Init();
As you see, Cube has already initialised SDIO and USB, but it doesn't take care about relations between these units. Thus, we should edit usbd_storage_if.c file, where all the functions needed for USB interface are located:
STORAGE_Init_FS, STORAGE_GetCapacity_FS, STORAGE_IsReady_FS, STORAGE_IsWriteProtected_FS, STORAGE_Read_FS, STORAGE_Write_FS, STORAGE_GetMaxLun_FS, (int8_t *)STORAGE_Inquirydata_FS
STMCubeMx doesn't fill this functions, so they are empty. Let's edit some of them in order to make our device working! Firstly, we should correct the block size:
#define BLOCK_SIZE 512
Secondly, STORAGE_GetCapacity_FS() function has to be modified. To get SD-card full size we can use HAL_SD_Get_CardInfo(). This function takes two arguments which are defined in the main.c file. So, they should be defined in usbd_storage_if.c file too:
extern SD_HandleTypeDef hsd; extern HAL_SD_CardInfoTypedef SDCardInfo;
STORAGE_GetCapacity_FS() should return the block size and the number of blocks, and now we can calculate it. We should just divide the total size by the size of one block:
int8_t STORAGE_GetCapacity_FS (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *block_num, uint16_t *block_size) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ HAL_SD_Get_CardInfo(&hsd, &SDCardInfo); *block_num = SDCardInfo.CardCapacity / BLOCK_SIZE; *block_size = BLOCK_SIZE; return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
Thirdly, the read and write functions should be implemented:
/**************************************************************************************** * Function Name : STORAGE_Read_FS * Description : * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. ****************************************************************************************/ int8_t STORAGE_Read_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */ HAL_SD_ReadBlocks(&hsd, (uint32_t*)buf, (uint64_t)(blk_addr * BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE, blk_len); return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 6 */ } /**************************************************************************************** * Function Name : STORAGE_Write_FS * Description : * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. ****************************************************************************************/ int8_t STORAGE_Write_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 7 */ HAL_SD_WriteBlocks(&hsd, (uint32_t*)buf, (uint64_t)(blk_addr * BLOCK_SIZE), BLOCK_SIZE, blk_len); return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 7 */ }
We've just added the code which will read/write data from/to SD-card connected to SDIO interface.
Important note!
HAL_SD_ReadBlocks() and HAL_SD_WriteBlocks() functions' prototypes have been changed in the newest STM32CubeMx versions. So now we should rewrite USB callbacks in such a way:
/**************************************************************************************** * Function Name : STORAGE_Read_FS * Description : * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. ****************************************************************************************/ int8_t STORAGE_Read_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 6 */ HAL_SD_ReadBlocks(&hsd, buf, blk_addr, (uint32_t) blk_len, 10); return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 6 */ } /**************************************************************************************** * Function Name : STORAGE_Write_FS * Description : * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. ****************************************************************************************/ int8_t STORAGE_Write_FS(uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 7 */ HAL_SD_WriteBlocks(&hsd, buf, blk_addr, (uint32_t) blk_len, 10); return (USBD_OK); /* USER CODE END 7 */ }
Where '10' is a timeout value for read/write operations.
Now the project is ready for compiling and programming the MCU! If we connect STM32 to the PC, we'll see a new USB Mass storage device in our system. Thus, we can create, edit and delete files on SD-card.
Well, I'll stop here, if you have any questions, you can add a comment on this post, I'll be very glad to help you!
If you have problems with USB you can try to increase Stack_size and Heap_size in startup_stm32xxxx.s/ Sometimes it helps 🙂
Hi Aveal,
I try to do the MSC-FATfs connection on a custom board but fail at GetCapacity with getting zeros back. How does the underlying function know which SD card I wan to use? Is is correct to pass an empty/undefined hsd?
Thanks, Kaf
Cube should fill the hsd structure with proper values during the initialization process. We just correct the BLOCK_SIZE.
Any idea where it does that? MX_FATFS_Init() links the driver to the SDcard but doesn't seem to initialize anything. MX_SDIO_SD_Init() seems to initialize the low-lever stuff only.
What version of CubeMX are you actualy using? My CubeMX-generated usbd_storage_if.c looks a bit different anyway, block number and sizes are pre-defined, probably to have a default. Here's an excerpt:
#define STORAGE_BLK_NBR 0x10000
#define STORAGE_BLK_SIZ 0x200
int8_t STORAGE_GetCapacity_FS (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *block_num, uint16_t *block_size)
*block_size = STORAGE_BLK_SIZ;
*block_num = STORAGE_BLK_NBR;
return (USBD_OK);
For this project I've used the old version of STM32Cube. When I worked with NAND memory and USB MSD I passed all parameters directly into the function STORAGE_GetCapacity_FS():
*block_size = mySize;
*block_num = myCount;
what does mySize and myCount mean ? I have same problem : can't use fatfs with your tutorial
Hi, Thank you very much for take the time to make this tutorial. I am working in a project in which i have to access to an eeprom instead of an sd. Could you bring me some help with how i have to configure the libraries?
Thank you.
You need just to change read/write functions. For example:
int8_t STORAGE_Read_FS (uint8_t lun,
uint8_t *buf,
uint32_t blk_addr,
uint16_t blk_len)
return (USBD_OK);
You should also define functions to access to EEPROM (these functions are usually based in I2C bus driver).
Hi Aveal,
Thanks for your response. Did you get something like this working? I am also in trouble with the inicialization of the i2c with thehal libraries. I can not understand at all how i have to modify the function:
__weak void HAL_I2C_MspInit(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
the HAL_I2C_MspInit could be implemented in the user file
Thanks again,
You have no need to modify it. After configuring I2C peripheral with STM32Cube you can call functions:
for read/write operations. All the initialization is done by the STM32Cube utility automatically.
Are you sure? I guess that the cube utility inicialization rutines dont configure the i2c pins as open drain.
I use I2C with LIS331 accelerometer and it works fine. So, I think it should work with EEPROM properly too.
Hi, i could build the read/write eeprom rutines. But i dont know what parameters of:
int8_t STORAGE_Write_FS (uint8_t lun, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t blk_addr, uint16_t blk_len)
i have to pass to the read/write eeprom rutines. I understand that de minimal block size is 512 bytes but my eeprom buffer is 64 bytes, so that means that i have to do something in the middle. Could you please help with this?
You should divide your memory into 512 bytes blocks. Each of them should have its own number. So in write function you have to write this blocks with data passed through *buf pointer.
ok, so it means that Buf can point between 1 and 512 bytes. Thats write?
How is organize the blk address? If i had 16 blocks of 512 bytes, the blk addresses that i receive from the function parameters would be 0,1,2,3,...,14,15 ?
Thanks for your time
buf is always a pointer to an amount of data, which size is determined in USB settings. Commonly it's 512 bytes. blk_len - is a number of 512 bytes data frames. So if you get blk_len = 2 in write() function you should write 1024 bytes.
The block numeration is correct - from 0 to 15.
If you'd like to organize a filesystem you should check if you have enough memory for it. Maybe 8 KBytes is too small...
I have an eeprom 24lc256. It has 32KBytes. There are 64 blocks of 512 bytes. That would be enough?
So, if in write funcion parameters i have: blk_add = 5 and blk_len = 3, it means that i have to write 1536 bytes ( 512 in block 5 , 512 in block 6 and 512 in block 7). It's that right?
Thanks for your time
Yes, that's right.
I think 32 kbytes would be enough for fatfs.
thank you very much for your help!! i will be continue working with this.
I have build this rutine:
int8_t STORAGE_Read_FS (uint8_t lun,
uint8_t *buf,
uint32_t blk_addr,
uint16_t blk_len)
char y[100];
sprintf(&y[0],"%d", blk_addr);
int i,j,k=0;
uint16_t a;
uint8_t aux;
a = blk_addr*512;
return (USBD_OK);
and other similar to write, the problem is that now, windows not recognize my device.
Maybe write/read speed is to slow?
And there are also sprintf and LCD functions, which also take some time.
Hi, I have a problem with connecting device to computer. There is an info in device manager (on win10) that "request for the usb device descriptor failed". I'm using SDIO 1bit mode (which works fine, because I can read/write files using FatFs). Could this 1bit mode be a reason why USB doesn't work?
I've done rest of things like above.
You can try to increase Heap_Size, sometimes it helps.
I'm new to STM32 and STM32cube and I'm using a STM32F103C MCU without the SDIO peripheral. The generated code doesn't contain diskio.c, only user_diskio.c with empty functions. I've searched for a SPI diskio drive and can only find ones for the STM32F4, which is not compatible with this smaller chip.
Any ideas how to do this with SPI?
If there is no example with this driver for STM32F103, you should implement it yourself... You can take STM32F4 functions and rewrite them to work with STM32F103.
hi Aveal
tanx for your tutorial...
i do just like above in my program with stm32f407vgt6 .
but mass storage not recognized completely...
my cube version(newer) differ with your version and in usbd_storage_if.c BLOCK_SIZE not define...
i don't know what's the problem...Can you tell me?
You can send me your project and I'll take a look at it 🙂
Hello Ali,
Did you solve this problem?
unfortunately not yet ... but i work in on it:)
Hi Ali
I have same problem , did you solve it ?
Hi Ali, I have the same problem. Have you found any solution yet.
error 10.. this device not start
You can try to increase Stack_size and Heap_size in startup_stm32xxxx.s.
ok. I am going to try.
after increase Stack and Heap size. I have to format my SD card. what is solution for this problem?
You can use f_mkfs, so after that it'll be formatted and should work properly.
my files was not saving. help me please!!!
Thanks for ur advise ^^;
Hi bro! My project was run. but i can't read or copy files to micro sd card. It was not storage.
Did you overwite STORAGE_Write_FS/Read_FS functions? The problem can be there.
Hi Aveal. This is my result and I want share for you to thank you https://community.st.com/message/146995-is-this-the-bug-of-stm32cubemx
Did the correction of MX_SDIO_SD_Init() function help to run the FatFs?
I use sd card as your tutorial. using FATFS and after code was generated. I add
if (HAL_SD_Init(&hsd, &SDCardInfo) != SD_OK)
HAL_SD_WideBusOperation_Config(&hsd, SDIO_BUS_WIDE_4B);
in the last of function void MX_SDIO_SD_Init(void) {}
Code was run correctly
can you give me your facebook. I think I have to learn you 🙂
I don't have FB account )
thanks for your help. my code was run correctly
Thanks for the tutorial, may I ask how much is the maximum data transfer in this configuration? I mean how much time will it take to copy a file to pc in this method.
It will give near 200 kB/s for read/write operations with SD-card.
Thanks for your helpful tutorial.
I use cubemx 4.15.1. I active SD card with fatfs and USB msc in device mode for stm32f429. and the tips which you mentioned I also did in the programs. Besides, when I connect the board to PC which recognize it as usb device; however, there is no new drivers or files in my computer to show SD card.
Does the PC shows new USB device as Mass storage device in Device Manager?
yes. In devices and printers we can see new device; but nothing in my computer as a new driver.
And does the SD card work fine without USB? Just reading/writing files with FatFs driver?
yes it works properly.
If you want you can send me your project - I'll take a look at it. My email - Aveal.MicroTechnics@gmail.com.
I have already sent it.
thanks it works
I have same problem , can you help me please ??
I use stm32f407 with sdio and usb FS.
thanks ..
hello aveal,
I am evaluating the STM32f4 discovery board. I want to implement the USB mass storage functionality.I interfaced the SD card using the SDIO 1-bit mode.But, I want to share SD card's data in the PC use of USB Mass storage option.im able to read and write data to SD card using FATFS.but now i just want to implement USB part.
You should just follow the instructions in this article and everything should work fine.
thanks for your quick response aveal
i followed your instruction.but still my usb is not detecting by my PC.i generated code using cubemx 4.12.0.i configured SDIO for 1 bit mode.sd card's part was done by some one else. so i need to de USB part.so how to start with this i just did as you said.and i already have
#define STORAGE_BLK_NBR 0x10000
#define STORAGE_BLK_SIZ 0x200.
so should i again define BLOCK_SIZE?
and what should i pass in lun?
please help me.
If STORAGE_BLK_SIZ is used in GetCapacity finction, you have no need to define BLOCK_SIZE. It is necessary in previous STM32CubeMx versions. All this functions are being called by USB driver automatically, so you don't have to set lun manually.
hello sir i have tried all the solution given in this post but still my usb in not even getting detected by my PC.can we have usb mass storage functionality with sdio 1-bit?.i dont know what wrong with my code?
please help me.
and one more thing sir my device is shows as mass storage in device and printers,and in device manager also but not in my computer.so what shoul i do now?is there may be problem with code?
please help me sir if possible,i am stuck here.
Yes, seems that the problem is in the code. Does the card works properly without USB?
sd card works properly.and i followed your steps only for usb.can i mail you my code for your better understanding?
hello sir,
i have observed one thing that after calling bellow function
void MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(void)
/* Init Device Library,Add Supported Class and Start the library*/
USBD_Init(&hUsbDeviceFS, &FS_Desc, DEVICE_FS);
USBD_RegisterClass(&hUsbDeviceFS, &USBD_MSC);
USBD_MSC_RegisterStorage(&hUsbDeviceFS, &USBD_Storage_Interface_fops_FS);
where USBD_MSC_RegisterStorage function is called but in this function argument &USBD_Storage_Interface_fops_FS is not calling the structure which is having function pointers.
USBD_StorageTypeDef USBD_Storage_Interface_fops_FS =
(int8_t *)STORAGE_Inquirydata_FS,
this is not called.
so where may be the problem sir?
Ok, my email is Aveal.MicroTechnics@gmail.com.
hello sir,
i have already sent you a mail.
sir after increasing my stack and heap size i got the drive in computer drive,but it is asking for format every time i try to open it.and at the time of
formatting it is showing just 32 mb,in dick capacity.so what should i do now?please help me to solve this issue.
It means that there is a problem in write/read functions.
hello sir,
thanks a lot for your tutorial and your help,i got my usb mass storage working,but its taking too much time to detect the memory card.so how to solve this problem?
Hi guy. In the stm32 cube mx 4.20 the genered code do not have HAL_SD_CardInfoTypedef and some function. will you fix your tutorial?
Anyone resolve a problem with formatting 32MB when USB is connected to PC ? I'm using STM32L496AG with FatFS and CubeMX4.20.
Can anyone help me with run the project, please i'm stuck 🙁
And what kind of memory do you use?
SDHC 8GB, i resolve that problem but if I try read and write via DMA, SDcard not working 🙁 Have you got any example code for SDIO DMA ? 🙂
Unfortunately, no... And does the card works with DMA without USB?
Unfortunately, no... And does the card work with DMA without USB?
No, I don't need USB with DMA. I just need only SD Card working with DMA, because my code not working 🙁
Thank You for your effort, I made the project and it works very well.
The problem now is the speed, how can I increase the speed of read/write, and I wounder why the speed is very low it's about 200KB/s write and 600KB/s read ?
It's common problem that Mass Storage Class in STM32 has slow speed... The best speed I saw I got with NAND memory and 16 bit FSMC and it was near 500 KB/s for writing.
I wounder if I Use High-speed core will the speed much increase or it will be a little bit different ?
I have the same problem, I try to transfer 1GB file and I got 350 KB/s during a
write and 500 KB/s during a read. But I think DMA will be increase that speed.
The problem is that DMA is Memory -> peripheral, So how can I configure it to work with USB and SDIO ?
You can use DMA just for SD card. But I'm not sure that the speed will increase...
I increased data transfer to 1 MB/s by add 4096 data block to write but it's all,.
DMA not working for my project in new CubeMx - STM32L496 🙁 anyone can send me DMA SDIO example in new CubeMx ? Please 🙂
this is my mail: johnrray5@gmail.com
Hello Aveal,
Thank you for this amazing tutorial! This is exactly what I was trying to do!
Quick question, would it be feasible to get the file name that is currently being accessed?
Again thank you so much!
It's not a trivial task =) Maybe you can save sector numbers, where each file is located (while creating the files) and after that you can check which sectors are accessed during write operations. But I'm not sure it's a good solution 🙂
Hı Gays,
I am working STM32F103C8T6 , but, STM32F103C8T6 isn't SDIO,
otherwise, ı have worked SD card over SPI and ı have achieved.
but ı didnt work Mass storage class SD card with SPI ,
this page ; extern SD_HandleTypeDef hsd;
extern HAL_SD_CardInfoTypedef SDCardInfo; not for SPI because ıt is fall ,
What are you doing this situation?
Please help me 😉
You need to implement SD card driver yourself... Maybe it's possible to change hardware part of SD driver to work with SPI instead of SDIO. The other opportunity is to search for official ST examples for SPI SD card.
maybe you dont understand me , ı already made them but I didnt just make Mass storage class SD card with SPI , would you like to share example links ?
See you letter..
Unfortunately, I don't have examples for SPI...
As your SD driver is ready you should just rewrite STORAGE_Write_FS/STORAGE_Read_FS functions in order to make them work with your SPI SD-card functions.
Hı ,
Please help me ,
I just rewrite STORAGE_Write_FS/STORAGE_Read_FS functions in order to make them work with my SPI SD-card functions.
but; ı dont make it,
ın order to SPI this problem is solution please,
Can you send me your project?
My project send to mail ,
Best Regards,
thank you very much ,,,
High appreciate for your help and your great tutorial. I have already done everything according to your tutorial. when i connect my SD card to computer, my computer knows mass storage device and also shows in my computer but i can not format it. is it related to codes?
can you please help me and give me solution?
best regards
Do you use SPI or SDIO?
hi thanks for your answer, i am using sdio, i am using STM32F103RCTxxx, and MDK5. i write and configure all codes according to your tutorial , after loading on my mcu, and connect my board to computer, it shows the drive and even it shows the capacity of my sd card correct (8G) but hint to format for using driver, when i am going to format windows can not format the driver.
i will appreciate if u can help me. i am using windows 7.
hello again, I have tested again and it is working. but here is another problem. When i put my sd card inside card reader and program my MCU, when i disconnect my Jtag and connect my board to pc, windows ask me to format my sd card, when i am going to format my sd card, windows can not format it, i went to disk manger and i found it there is no file system for my sd card, that means i have a SD card raw file system. so i did this way and it works, i format my sd card with my mobile phone and erase my stm32f103 and program and verified it again, then i put sd card inside slot and it starts to work without asking for format, when i disconnect and connect it again, it asked for format again but i cancel format and after several second it open my sd card and all files been there. sorry for writing too long, but i will appreciate if u can help me and give me some help. is it related to SDIOCLK clock divide factor because i set it 3 according to your tutorial. also speed of read and write is a bit slow.
I hope you can help me because i spend to much time and it is not working properly .
Try to increase SDIO clock, but if the reason was there, it shouldn't ask to format the card. Maybe you can send me your project?
Hello Hamid, I have been struggling with this problem for several weeks.
Have been you success with this yet??? and how can you fix this.
Hello Hesam
it solved...
the problem is heap size and stack size ...
put heap size=0x2000 and stack size=0x4000 and it works
Again hı,
I am using stm32f103c8t6, ı am working about STM32F103C8T6 sd card(fatfs)+usb mass storage over spı
Please help me.........
Hi folks,
I was trying to reproduce the project with STM32Cube V 4.22.0. I used the SDIO 1 bit and USB mass storage peripheral. Reading the SD capacity is going well but the read blocks function doesn't respond as expected. When I'd a look deeper into the function I found out that I got an RX_OVERRUN error. Does somebody has the same issue? I'm looking for a way to solve this, are there any suggestions?
Kind regards
Got it, just initialized a fifo buffer. But know when I try to read the first block of the SD with the function "HAL_SD_ReadBlocks" I get different data as when I read the SD card with WinHex on the computer. Both ways shows me the fat signature in the 510'th and 511'th bit but the data isn't corresponding with each other. I search the whole SD card in WinHex to find the data which I got back from the "HAL_SD_ReadBlocks" function. But I wasn't able to find it with WinHex. It looks strange to me, am I missing something important? The USB device which appear in windows still asked to be formatted. I'm working with the STM32F413. Cheers!
Alright guys,
Got it working. I'd to change the read function into
HAL_SD_ReadBlocks(&hsd, buf, blk_addr, blk_len, 10);
And the write function into
HAL_SD_WriteBlocks(&hsd, buf, blk_addr, blk_len, 10);
In combination with enlarging the heap and stack size and initialize the rx and tx buffers for the sdio it should work.
Good luck.
Could you share how did you initialize the rx and tx buffers for the sdio, please?
I have working example with SDIO one wire and USB storage device (STM32F407VGT6 DISCOVERY, SD CARD 4Gb). I saved a few files by fatfs and that also work correctly. I have one problem: when I connect MCU to PC I have acces to files. I can copy file to PC, but I have problem with deleting files. When I choose all files and click delete, after reconnection USB to computer a 4 files apear. Every times I must to delete every one file by file. What am I doing wrong? Every steps were made by your tutorial with different name of function because I have latest version. Can you share with your experience with deleting multiple files from storage device on STM with SD CARD.
Kind regards
I've never seen such a problem with deleting multiple files... Does it always work correct, if you delete the files one by one?
I followed your tutorial and my PC recognizes the USB Mass Storage Device, but it shows a message saying that the location is not available "E:/ is not accessible. Incorrect function"
And I cannot access the files inside the card..
Can you help me, please?
Thank you a lot!!
I've added some more information for newest STM32Cube versions. Maybe it can be helpful...
My code was already with those modifications... Even with them, the files are not accessible..
The error is on the HAL_ReadBlocks.. it gives a SDIO_FLAG_RXOVERR: Received FIFO overrun error
I don`t know what is causing it and what should I change.. could you help me?
Could you please send me your project?
My email - Aveal.MicroTechnics@gmail.com.
I had this problem. Just increase the stack. By defult cube generate stack size of 0x400. And one 0 (0x4000) and it should be ok.
I had this problem and slowing down the clock helped, using the SDIO ClockDiv setting.
I followed your tutorial for implementing USB MASS STORAGE on STM32L053 with external data flash of 2 MB(page size of 256 bytes) for mass storage using SPI.
when i plug in the device into pc usb port, it gets detected immediately in device manager->USB SERIAL BUS CONTROLLERS-> USB MASS STORAGE DEVICE. but it takes around 1 minute to get detected in device manager->portable devices-> removable disk G:\ . why is it taking so long to get detected?
also when i try to check the properties of the disk, it shows 0 bytes capacity. why is it not showing any bytes in capacity?
i am looking for the ways to solve it.
kind regards
Seems that the problem with delay is flowing from the problem with capacity... Windows tries to read data from flash, but it can not be read or there are some errors with data exchange.
Thanks for the help, i tried changing the method of reading flash and ended up with following:
when i plug in the device into pc usb port, it gets detected immediately in device manager->USB SERIAL BUS CONTROLLERS-> USB MASS STORAGE DEVICE and also device manager->portable devices-> removable disk G:\ .
but a window pops up asking "you need to format the disk G:\ before you can use it", then when we select the format option, another window pops up showing the capacity of disk, where it shows correct capacity as 1.95 MB, but further no format action takes place.
But when i check the properties of the removable disk G:\ in my computer, it shows 0 bytes capacity.
i don't understand where am i going wrong!! i have not yet implemented FATfs, can it be the reason?
No, MSC can work without FatFs in your project. I think 2 Mb is not enough for creating a filesystem. So Windows can not do this.
I am trying to implement FatFs in my project. as of now i am not implementing USB, want test only FatFs first by creating file and storing it in SPI FLASH. my part of code for FatFs is as follows:
uint8_t retUSER; /* Return value for USER */
char USERPath[4]; /* USER logical drive path */
FATFS USERFatFS; /* File system object for USER logical drive */
FIL USERFile; /* File object for USER */
res = FATFS_LinkDriver(&USER_Driver, USERPath);
if(res == 0)
res = f_mount(&USERFatFS, (TCHAR const*)USERPath, 0);
if(res != FR_OK)
{ ....}
but an error of FR_NO_FILESYSTEM occurs when f_mount is executed.It can be due to no valid FAT volume on the drive or wrong low layer implementation.
how to implement FAT volume on external SPI FLASH? can you give some suggestions. i am not able to find anything relevent for SPI FLASH.
You should create a filesystem before mounting it with f_mkfs() function.
My application needs to manage MSC profile of USB with SD-SARD communicating by sdio (4-bits).
When I push the USB into my computer i'm getting a new small window with the message "\:D The directory name is invalid".
Using the explorer I can see that there is a new drive "D". When I try to open it just by clicking I'm getting the same message ("The directory name is invalid").
When I open the device drivers I can see "USB mass storage Device" between the USB controllers.
I'm using Atollic true (version 9.0) as my IDE.
What can be the problem ?
Could you please send me your project to Aveal.MicroTechnics@gmail.com? I'll take a look at it.
I use mass storage sample from STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\MSC_Standalone
When I format a partition with a NTFS system file and copy a large file to it, if device resets during the copy, the partition is corrupted and requests formatting. in FAT32 an extFAT i dont have this problem!
Please guide where is the problem?
I did the same steps mentioned on this post. My mcu is stm32f405 and i'm using SDIO 4 bits + USB full speed stack. I am able to see the device and read all the files (big files and small files) when i plug the usb connector of my board to the desktop. However, I am unable to write or delete files although when writing to the SD card it shows that write is complete. I am unable to do a quick format too...Has anyone encountered this issue?
Have you tried it with another card?
yes I tried it with a 4 GB and an 8GB micro SD
Could you please send me your project? I'll take a look.
Thank you very much Aveal for your help ... It works ...
the solution is to wait the writing process to be accomplished like below:
if (HAL_SD_WriteBlocks(&hsd, buf, blk_addr, (uint32_t) blk_len, 10) == HAL_OK)
/* Wait that writing process is completed or a timeout occurs */
timeout = HAL_GetTick();
while((HAL_GetTick() - timeout) < 30 * 1000)
if (BSP_SD_GetCardState() == 0)
Hi, what hardware configuration do you use? I am working on something similar with the stm32f446 but since this chip needs 3.3V as power and USB is 5V I am not sure how to connect everything
In order to power STM32 you should use a 5V / 3.3V regulator. USB can work directly form the STM32 pins (I mean data lines).
Hi Aveal,
Thank you for the post. Though I got the USB working, I was getting disk error, cause I did not get the SD card data but put some sixed data.
Hi Aveal,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
I follow the procedure as you explained. However, I cannot see the content of SD card by my PC using USB mass storage. I implement my project using stmcubemx version 4.21.0. The SD card works (meaning that I can create a .txt file and write something into it. When I put the SD card into adapter and connect to PC, I can also see its contents, as expected).
However, i can not see its contents using USB mass storage! I am really not sure whether the SD card can be truly initialized. Also dont know whether cubmx-generate-code (version 4.21.0) is reliable or must be modified?
Moreover, I cannot watch buf, blk_addr, blk_len in live watch to see what such arguments contain!
It really blocks me for a while! Would you please help me?
Infinite thanks in advance!
Can you show me the hardware you used?
is it just the chip and direct connection, do i need some resistor for current restrictions?

No, there is no need in current-limiting resistors, but the connection requires pull-up resistors:
Hello Aveal, i just want to use extarnal flash instead of sd card???? Do you have any example code for me??? I want to use stm32f103cxx... i will make github repo. If it works, so anyone can access the code without wasting there valuable time on rewriting the whole code. Thank you.
Hi, Thanks for your Tutorial.
I tried same as what you have done. But am Not able to detect my sd card using the board stm32f4-disc. Where I missed the flow . Can you just help me in this .
Can you please share the source code?
Hi Aveal,
Great tutorial, thank you very much !
Unfortunatly I cant get the STORAGE_Read_FS/STORAGE_Write_FS functions to work. I am using SPI mode in order to access the SD Card. Everything works fine except the USB connection. I cant access the SD Card via USB.
Could you please help me out ?
Does the card work properly without USB - pure SPI writing/reading different blocks?